Friday, March 13, 2020 – a state of emergency is declared in Bulgaria. A number of restrictive measures have been introduced with the state of emergency. Shops were closed in major retail outlets. Citizens are encouraged to work from home. Vacations for kindergardens, schools and universities have been announced. Restrictions on interurban traffic were introduced, among other restrictions. Walking through the parks is punishable too. The Enemy, though invisible, is already taking its victims.

Tuesday, March 24. It’s been 11 days since that date, and my idea of ​​the time is increasingly unrealistic. What day is today? Although I am safe in my home with my family, a feeling of sadness breaks in with me. When your freedom to travel, socialize freely, or just sit in your favorite cafe under the spring sunlight was taken away this inevitably grief overwhelms you. I understand that spring has come only because my seasonal allergic rhinitis is calling. It’s good that it snows and makes people stay home. I hate winter …
From time to time, I go out of my apathy to take a picture of the little heir to the family. He is in the seventh heaven that his mother and father are home all day. Bringing toys scattered on the ground is now a daily routine and does not make much of an impression on me.

We have fun counting passing cars down the street in front of the block … One …! Noble envy all house owners …

Whoever thinks cleaning your car out of the snow can be such a fun activity!

Sometimes in the most ordinary situations and simple human needs are born brilliant ideas (an example of this is the frame I made to Sami through the lock of the toilet).
– Look at me, Sami! I say as I try to focus through the lock.
– I don’t see you anywhere! – he replies, looking up at the light from the lamp …


It is said that dreaming of fire foretells prosperity for the family. We decide to warm up to this idea and light the fireplace. Sami loves the flames and can stand watching them for hours.
“We’re fires,” he says, you’re a fire mom, I’m a baby fire.
I try to explain to him what it means to call a woman a fire, then I move on to the fiery zodiac signs and that he is the zodiac Sagittarius makes him exclaim:
– I’m a hunter! – and happily continues jumping on the couch.

#stayhome waiting for the next virtual epizode of “Pandemic Stories”
